Konferencija u Pragu, travanj 2017.

Dear colleagues,
we invite graduate students and postdoctoral researchers to the first international edition of the conference Linguistics Prague (formerly Lingvistika Praha). The focus/leitmotif of the conference is empirical research of language and its methodology.
The conference takes place at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in the very center of Prague, Thursday 27 April – Saturday 29 April 2017.

The event will consist of 2 plenary talks, 4 tutorial workshops and a general session for oral presentations and posters.
Attached you will find the Call for Papers (abstract submission deadline: 30 November 2016).
For more information see our web page http://linguisticsprague.ff.cuni.cz
Best regards from Prague
organizing team of Linguistics Prague 2017
Tomáš Doischer
Jan Křivan
Michal Láznička
Kateřina Opletalová
Hana Prokšová
Martina Rybová
Magdalena Zíková
